Because Etiquette Never Goes Out of Style

Call me old fashioned, call me a silly southerner, call me what you wish - but if there is one thing that I refuse to give up in this modern world it's etiquette. Growing up I was taught to say yes m'am, no sir, never address an elder by their first name unless explicitly insisted upon, a man holds the door for a lady and opens her car door. Growing up I attended dance lessons and cotillion lessons (like all of my friends) and I learned about manners, graces and etiquette. Truthfully, I could write a better 'thank you' note than I could do my math homework!

My great grandmother would probably have a heart attached in our modern world but even she would have to admit that proper etiquette must be slightly flexible and adapt to change. So, I am starting a section on my blog - with the help of some really great blogs and books - to help teach, assist and answer everyday etiquette questions.

So, let's begin. There are a few things that never go out of etiquette style in the South. I have mentioned a few above and it all revolves around respect. Addressing your elders with Mr. and Mrs., opening a door for a lady, writing thank you notes or any note if you have a positive experience, proper hygiene, and saying thank you. Respect never goes out of style. Now, there might be a few occasions (I myself have encountered this when I was up North) where some people do not like it if you say 'Ma'am' or 'Sir'.

You will encounter regional differences in etiquette, but if you are in the South you ALWAYS say Ma'am or Sir and thank you. Maintaining your composure in social settings is key, therefore it is especially important to smile and say 'thank you' or 'yes sir' 'yes ma'am' especially if the person might not deserve it.

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